Monthly Archives: August 2015

Scoville: Labs Now on Kickstarter!

The first expansion for Scoville is now live on Kickstarter! For $20 you can get the expansion. For $60 you can get the game and the expansion! But hurry, this campaign is only for 10 days and ends on August 21st!

The following information is from the Kickstarter campaign page

What’s In The Box?

Scoville Labs is an expansion for Scoville. [the base game is required for play.]  In the box you will find:

  • 6 Player Labs for private pepper research.
  • 9 Market Orders.
  • 9 Recipes.
  • Pepper Multiplier tokens.
  • 6 More “Plant 1 Extra Pepper” tokens.
  • 5 Phantom Peppers.
  • 5 each Green, Orange, and Purple Peppers.
  • 5 each Black, Brown, and White Peppers.
  • 1 Rule Book

And there are stretch goals, so when the project receives enough funding then we’ll get more awesome stuff in the box! Go check out the campaign to learn more about the stretch goals.

What Makes It Special?

The laboratory workbench for the blue player.

The laboratory workbench for the blue player.

Scoville: Labs is great because it gives players something they lacked in the base game: Control. Now that the competitors in the Scoville Chili Festival are allowed to do their own research they’ve all installed their own lab. The lab allows a player to plant and cross-breed peppers outside of the influence of other players. Now they can have more control over some of the peppers they will receive, and when they will receive them.

Using the 3 x 3 pepper lab players may plant a pepper in one of the pots each round. In subsequent rounds whenever a new pepper is planted it will immediately cross breed with the peppers directly adjacent to it. No one can mess with your lab, which means you have control over what you want to harvest from your lab.

I really like how the simple 3 x 3 personal lab can modify the game in such a fun and exciting way. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all think of it.

Plus, the expansion comes with more of those awesome peppers! So go check it out today! I’d love your support.

Gen Con 2015 Recap With Pictures

Well I am recovered from Gen Con week. Gen Con is always amazing. It’s huge and full of all sorts of different experiences but I think our group had a great Gen Con. One of our focuses this year was sitting down for more demos in the exhibit hall. The tables always seem to fill up, especially Friday and Saturday, so on Thursday we tried to do a bunch of demos. I think we did pretty well with our goal.

What follows is my day by day recap of Gen Con 2015 with pictures…


We arrived in Indy around noon, grabbed a quick lunch at Yats, and then headed right to the exhibit hall where we hunted down demos. Here are the pictures worth sharing from Thursday.

Game Demo #1: Medieval Academy

Game Demo #1: Medieval Academy

Game Demo #2: Royals

Game Demo #2: Royals

Pseudo Game Demo #3: Giant Flick 'em Up

Pseudo Game Demo #3: Giant Flick ’em Up

Game Demo #4: Ultimate Warriorz (played while others were demoing something else)

Game Demo #4: Ultimate Warriorz (played while others were demoing something else)

TMG Booth Banner. Check out the awesome game they've got on their table!

TMG Booth Banner. Check out the awesome game they’ve got on their table!

This Bad Beets guy was constantly roaming the exhibit hall. Pretty sweet.

This Bad Beets guy was constantly roaming the exhibit hall. Pretty sweet.

Saw this chrome-tastic Shelby Cobra (likely a replica) at our hotel.

Saw this chrome-tastic Shelby Cobra (likely a replica) at our hotel.

My new friend. Hello Rhino Hero! I got the awesom cape too, but there are no pictures of me wearing it.

My new friend. Hello Rhino Hero! I got the awesome cape too, but there are no pictures of me wearing it.


The next morning we wanted to get to the exhibit hall first thing to try and snag a copy of Mysterium. We failed miserably. They only had 100 per day but we were close enough to the front that we thought we had a chance. Here are Friday’s pictures:

A lot of people were waiting for the exhibit hall to open.

A lot of people were waiting for the exhibit hall to open.

This dude is pretty sweet.

This dude is pretty sweet.

This guy looks slightly more fierce than the boss monster.

This guy looks slightly more fierce than the boss monster.

Demo of New Bedford from Dice Hate Me games and Greater Than Games. Looks awesome!

Demo of New Bedford from Dice Hate Me games and Greater Than Games. Looks awesome!

Patrick Rothfuss signing stuff.

Patrick Rothfuss signing stuff.

This thing was

This thing was “fully functional.” It could move and beep and stuff.

Elysium was one of our groups favorite games of the con.  Really interesting gameplay here.

Elysium was one of our groups favorite games of the con. Really interesting gameplay here.

Rhino Hero was also a good pickup for me. I love the tower building mechanic but I'll probably remove the

Rhino Hero was also a good pickup for me. I love the tower building mechanic but I’ll probably remove the “lose a turn” cards.

Our group enjoying the Rathskellar with live music and a hopping crowd.

Our group enjoying the Rathskellar with live music and a hopping crowd.

Saw this cool brick head on the way back from the Rathskellar.

Saw this cool brick head on the way back from the Rathskellar.

We played a round of Flick 'em Up in our hotel room. It's a lot of fun.

We played a round of Flick ’em Up in our hotel room. It’s a lot of fun.

I got to play Codenames with a bunch of awesome game designers in the open hall around midnight. Our team won. It's a clever game design and was a ton of fun.

I got to play Codenames with a bunch of awesome game designers in the open hall around midnight. Our team won. It’s a clever game design and was a ton of fun.

To end Friday I was able to get my game design, Ziggurat, on the table. The honorable Adam McIver, Kerry Rundle, and J. Alex Kevern were excellent playtesters.

To end Friday I was able to get my game design, Ziggurat, on the table. The honorable Adam McIver, Kerry Rundle, J. Alex Kevern and T.C. Petty III were excellent playtesters.


Saturday was our last day so we tried to make the most of it. Here are Saturday’s pictures:

Game Deme: Nautilus Industries. This game was really solid and fun. There are a lot fo ways to mess up your opponents and plan ahead. Recommended.

Game Deme: Nautilus Industries. This game was really solid and fun. There are a lot fo ways to mess up your opponents and plan ahead. Recommended.

We got in on a Mysterium demo. The art is beautiful. The gameplay is fun. I'm looking forward to our group obtaining a copy.

We got in on a Mysterium demo. The art is beautiful. The gameplay is fun. I’m looking forward to our group obtaining a copy.

This squirrel costume was awesome! I love squirrels for some odd reason.

This squirrel costume was awesome! I love squirrels for some odd reason.

I met Antoine Bauza (designer of 7 Wonders, Takenoko, Tokaido, Samurai Spirit and more) and he signed my box for me!

I met Antoine Bauza (designer of 7 Wonders, Takenoko, Tokaido, Samurai Spirit and more) and he signed my box for me!

It's a Gen Con tradition to take pictures of cool cars. I've seen a Ferrari at every Gen Con!

It’s a Gen Con tradition to take pictures of cool cars. I’ve seen a Ferrari at every Gen Con!

But I'd never seen a McLaren before! That thing is so awesome!

But I’d never seen a McLaren before! That thing is so awesome!

Jeremy picked up Thunder Alley for $40  at the Cool Stuff Ding and Dent booth. We got in a lap after dinner. This game is a lot of fun and the movement mechanics make it enjoyable!

Jeremy picked up Thunder Alley for $40 at the Cool Stuff Ding and Dent booth. We got in a lap after dinner. This game is a lot of fun and the movement mechanics make it enjoyable!

Before calling it a night we played the Duel at Hotcreek scenario of Flick 'em Up. The good guys lost but we had a good time.

Before calling it a night we played the Duel at Hotcreek scenario of Flick ’em Up. The good guys lost but we had a good time.

The box cover looks fantastic!

The box cover looks fantastic!

Mark had captured this sweet cookie monster costume and shared the picture with me and now I'm sharing it with you.

Mark had captured this sweet cookie monster costume and shared the picture with me and now I’m sharing it with you.


My “Gen Con Haul.” I wish I had snagged a copy of Artifacts, Inc. by Red Raven Games.

My purchase of the con was Francis Drake. I’ve been wanting it for two years but never pulled the trigger due to the $80 price. But I found it for $45 at a booth and snagged it up! I’ve also looking forward to both the Imperial Settlers expansion and the Five Tribes expansion. Those are two of my recent favorite games. I got Nations, Akrotiri, Tokaido, and Escape in the Math Trade. So I didn’t really buy that much this year. Maybe next year! Thanks for checking out my recap.