Getting Back in the Game

Once upon a time I created, designed, and signed a game called Scoville. It was an amazing experience and I completely fell in love with the board gaming community, the design community, and all the awesome people who share my love for board games.

But then I got a new job and my kids are getting older. Time for this hobby fell away. I still enjoyed designing when I gave it time, but I found my time for the hobby was dwindling. So I just didn’t put much time into blogging or social media.

During my “respite” from immersion in the community I realized that I have missed it greatly. So I’ve got plans to bring this blog back to life. I’ve also got plans to start a video channel. I’m not quite ready to post any videos yet, but I do have a series of topics I’d like to write about.

I’ll be getting back in the game, if you excuse the pun. I’m excited about jumping back in. I’ll be back at Gen Con this year and I’ve got some fun things coming up over the next year and a half.

Thanks for checking out Boards and Barley and I look forward to engaging with you all again. Also, I’d appreciate if you could point out any dead links on my previous articles. Finally, if there is anything you’d like to learn about game design, the community, how to get into designing, or other board game world or beer related things, just let me know!

Posted on April 13, 2019, in The Boards. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I love scoville!
    Can’t wait to hear what is coming up

  2. I look forward to see what kind of interesting spin you can put on your core puzzle/memory design philosophy.

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